Category Archives: Oral hygiene

Why is it okay to find dental caries in time?

Dental caries are one of the most common dental conditions suffered by millions of people worldwide and, according to Ipssoss Marketing in 2015, more than 80% of people have caries. But what are dental caries and why should they be discovered and treated until it is too late?

Caria is the most common dental condition. This occurs when bacteria in the oral cavity produce tooth-attacking, untreated, which can cause infections and may even lead to loss of tooth. Once it has passed the enamel, the caries move faster through the dentin and reach the pulp, causing inflammation and infection.

The most prone parts of the caries are the teeth surfaces that make up the bite and the teeth areas, the place where food remains often and where the toothbrush gets harder.

At first, it does not show any symptoms. Pain or blackheads on teeth begin to appear when the caries lengthen. The main sign of the appearance of a dental caries is their color. Colors, either in the form of a stain or in the form of a dot, may be the beginning of a dental caries and should be kept under observation.

Pain is also a sign of the appearance of a dental caries. If the patient hurts, there are chances for the root to be affected.

And the unpleasant smell of your mouth may signal the presence of an unwanted carriage. That is why if a patient has an unpleasant smell, they should go to the dentist for an emergency.

Like any dental disease detected early, and cavities are much easier to treat at an early stage when they do not affect the root.

How to treat caries?

In the early stages of dental care, the dentist applies fluoride to the affected area, which helps stop the caries and remineralize the tooth. However, in order for the problem not to evolve, it is necessary to maintain strict hygiene using a fluoride toothpaste. Later, channel fillings are performed after the infection site is properly cleaned.

Do you have teeth problems? Are you looking for a team of dental professionals? Nothing easier. Call the + 373-265-2-19-90 phone number and a specialist at the Sanelen DENT Dental Clinic will advise you.


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The causes of a bad smell and how we can get rid of it

Bad smell is a problem faced by more and more people. Even if it is not a serious illness, the unpleasant odor of the mouth, also called halen, may affect the self-confidence of those who suffer from this condition. But what are the causes of bad breath, a disease that, according to statistics, affects 5 out of 6 people?

The main causes of bad breath are often dental problems and lack of proper oral hygiene.

First of all, it should be noted that dental brushing, complemented by the use of dental floss, helps to clean the teeth and the entire mouth, thus reducing the risk of developing oral bacteria. In fact, these bacteria are responsible for bad breath.

At the same time, food is also responsible for the hale. For example, eating strong odors such as garlic, onions, leeks, some spices or cheeses are responsible for bad breath. There are, however, foods that, although they do not have a pungent odor at first glance, can produce bad breath, as is the case with coffee, after ingestion.

Dry mouth can also cause a bad smell as saliva plays a very important role in keeping the optimal level of bacteria and ph in the mouth. Saliva has the “mission” to clean the oral cavity and to remove foreign particles.

Other causes of halen are the result of underlying conditions. Some cancers and metabolic diseases cause specific smells of breathing because of the substances they produce.

How do you get rid of bad breath?

In order to get rid of this condition, it is necessary first of all to visit the dentist to determine the causes. Then the patient can use mouthwash, may have a stricter hygiene, give up cigarettes, and consume more water to have a pH of the optimal oral cavity to prevent cavities and naturally eliminate the causes of halenna.

Do you have breathing problems? Are you looking for a team of dental professionals? Nothing easier. Call the + 373-265-2-19-90 phone number and a Dental Clinic Sanelen DENT will advise you.


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Do you know how to wash your teeth correctly? Essential rules for healthy oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is not just brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening. Correct cleansing of teeth involves several aspects.

Failure to do so often leads to the appearance of caries and, over time, to more serious dental conditions such as gingivitis or, worse, periodontitis.

3 minutes of brushing, mandatory

One of the most common mistakes in cleaning teeth is not respecting the brushing time. This should take at least 3 minutes.

To know exactly how long your brush takes, you can timer or buy a timer electric brush.

Beware of how to brush the teeth

Proper brushing is not done from the half of the tooth. Brushing starts from the space between the gum and the tooth, because there remain the most food remains and the tartar appears.

Also, the brush is circular, not horizontal. Pay attention to the back molars, as the brush often does not reach that area.

The brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the teeth. Each tooth has to be cleaned from one side to the other, respectively up and down, front and back.

Dental floss for deep cleansing

To clean the teeth in-depth, specialists recommend using dental floss after each meal. This reduces the risk of caries occurring in the interdental areas or on the inside of the teeth.

Choose a proper toothbrush

Another common mistake made by most people is the wrong choice of the toothbrush. Dentists recommend that the toothbrush be softer to prevent gums from being aggressive.

In terms of mouthwashes, specialists say it is very important that they are set to the lowest level, because they can be badly affected both the teeth and the gums.

Great attention also to the period of using the toothbrush. Every three months it has to be changed because it is a rich source of bacteria and staphylococci because it deteriorates over time and its brushes split.

Also note that after each use, the toothbrush should be washed thoroughly with hot water and left to dry completely.

Essential mouthwash

Besides the toothpaste, doctors say that mouth water is equally important for oral hygiene. This should be used after each meal and the mouth should be rinsed with it for at least 30 seconds. Mouthwash has antibacterial and astringent effect.

Also, do not forget to rinse your mouth after each brush. Thus, you will completely eliminate all bacteria and food debris.

What toothpaste you need to use

The toothpaste you use often has to be as easy as not to tease the teeth. Those containing sodium bicarbonate should be used once or twice a week, but not excessively because they are very abrasive and affect the tooth enamel over time.

Also, a week, two, you should also use a toothpaste for whitening. It does not affect the dental surface and can be used with confidence.

Sanelen Dent, your dental clinic, offers you a full range of services.

We look forward to a free consultation.

Milk teeth – Reasons why your children need regular dental advice

As many parents wonder how and why the child’s caries appear, we thought it would be useful to explain the causes of this condition, its favorable factors, and the mistakes made by parents. This will make it much easier to prevent cavities from dental teeth, if they have not already appeared. And if they have appeared, you will find out what treatments are urgent and necessary for your child’s dentistry.

The causes for which some children have their milking teeth with caries

In the human body there are billions of bacteria that are grouped according to the specific action of each group. When we are healthy, these groups of microbes coexist in a certain proportion, balanced. When some groups become more numerous and others are choking, the imbalance that has the consequence of the disease appears. Thus, like many other conditions, the caries of milk teeth appear as a result of bacterial imbalance.

To prevent the appearance of caries in milk teeth, it is essential to know the main factors that favor bacterial imbalance. So let’s look at what are the mistakes made by parents, ie the factors favoring the appearance of caries.

Incorrect feed

Immediately after each meal, the baby’s stomach and stomach form an acidic bacterial plaque that is necessary for the decomposition of food. In the post-meal period, acidity gradually disappears and teeth begin to remineralize and recover autonomously. If there is not enough time between meals, the acidity persists, the teeth have no time to recover and thus the enamel layer is affected. To avoid this problem, parents should feed the child with sufficient breaks between meals at the time of the pediatrician’s time.

Contact with parents saliva

We know from childhood sickness diseases – measles, varicella, etc. But with a few people, they know that they are also pungent! Cavities are 100% painful, so many gestures that we do instinctively should be evaluated and some even removed from common habits. Because what causes dental caries are specific groups of microbes, some of them are naturally in the mouth of each of us in a predetermined balance, but they can change at any time. And some of these microbes are dangerous / pathogenic and can pass through saliva from one person to another, and clearly from one tooth to another.

That’s why the mother’s gesture, which before putting the pacifier in the baby’s mouth first puts it in her mouth to moisten it or for other reasons, is not hygienic. This gesture contaminates the baby’s clear mouth with pathogenic microbes of the mother. Therefore, every child must have his own toothbrush, take it all with him and equally eat only with his teaspoon.

Deficient oral hygiene

Children who are used to oral hygiene with proper oral hygiene will have a healthy teeth when they become adults. The partial or total lack of dental hygiene of the child is another common miscarriage. Oral hygiene is mandatory to prevent which begins even at the time of the first dentist’s eruption.

Deferment of periodic dental control

Most parents do not know that a caries evolve very quickly to the tooth of milk. This happens because the tooth enamel layer is thin and fast as compared to that of the adult tooth. From a small depigmentation to a profound cavity, everything is happening with great rapidity to the teeth of children.

Passing tooth decay from tooth is a very important reason why milk teeth should be treated immediately. Why? Because a healthy tooth in contact with a caricature will lead to the transfer of microbes from the caries to the enamel of the whole. And that’s how it starts there a little carious destruction.

Therefore, if you notice the smallest stain on your milk dentist, urgently present your dentist and he will apply a rehoming treatment to the tooth. Otherwise, if you delay, the child will have to be treated with more and more invasive treatments, corresponding to the advancement of the cary.

Delaying the visit to the dental clinic results in an exclamation of the disease, which becomes increasingly aggressive.
In the very advanced stage, when the abscess is observed, the milk tooth has to be extracted because otherwise there is a risk of damaging the color and structure of the permanent permanent teeth.

Schedule a visit to the clinic and give your child a healthy dentist!

Easy ways to keep your teeth healthy and brilliant white

Over time, the dentine, which is located immediately under the tooth enamel, can deteriorate, changing color due to inadequate hygiene, medication, misfeeding, food coloring, smoking, caries.

To fix this problem, while strengthening the tooth, you can resort to the following food recommendations that say it is good to eat:

  • apples, because they act as a toothbrushing tool, reaching the interdental spaces, where it is often difficult to clean only with the toothbrush.
  • cauliflower, because it stimulates the production of saliva, which has the role of preventing the formation of the dental plaque.
  • carrots and celery. By containing the vitamins and antioxidants they contain, they strengthen the tooth structure.
  • oranges, lemons, pineapple and strawberries. These are acidic fruits that help natural teeth whitening, removing deposits and refreshing your breath. These fruits also stimulate the production of saliva, remove the stains of coffee, juice and red wine. It is good to rinse with water 5 minutes after you have consumed these fruits and wash your teeth, usually to reduce oral acidity, avoiding tooth decay.
  • dairy products (yoghurt, milk, cheese) because they contain lactic acid, which helps fight gum disease, caries and helps maintain oral health. Yogurt proteins stick to teeth and protect them from the attack of harmful acids that can lead to caries.
  • bitter and astringent foods such as garlic, mustard, lemon juice, ginger. They also have an antiseptic effect, destroying bacteria that can cause tooth decay, halena, thus maintaining oral health.


Remember that brushing should be performed after each meal, 5 minutes after the acidic meals, and should take between 2 and 7 minutes.