Monthly Archives: October 2018

Do you know how to wash your teeth correctly? Essential rules for healthy oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is not just brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening. Correct cleansing of teeth involves several aspects.

Failure to do so often leads to the appearance of caries and, over time, to more serious dental conditions such as gingivitis or, worse, periodontitis.

3 minutes of brushing, mandatory

One of the most common mistakes in cleaning teeth is not respecting the brushing time. This should take at least 3 minutes.

To know exactly how long your brush takes, you can timer or buy a timer electric brush.

Beware of how to brush the teeth

Proper brushing is not done from the half of the tooth. Brushing starts from the space between the gum and the tooth, because there remain the most food remains and the tartar appears.

Also, the brush is circular, not horizontal. Pay attention to the back molars, as the brush often does not reach that area.

The brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the teeth. Each tooth has to be cleaned from one side to the other, respectively up and down, front and back.

Dental floss for deep cleansing

To clean the teeth in-depth, specialists recommend using dental floss after each meal. This reduces the risk of caries occurring in the interdental areas or on the inside of the teeth.

Choose a proper toothbrush

Another common mistake made by most people is the wrong choice of the toothbrush. Dentists recommend that the toothbrush be softer to prevent gums from being aggressive.

In terms of mouthwashes, specialists say it is very important that they are set to the lowest level, because they can be badly affected both the teeth and the gums.

Great attention also to the period of using the toothbrush. Every three months it has to be changed because it is a rich source of bacteria and staphylococci because it deteriorates over time and its brushes split.

Also note that after each use, the toothbrush should be washed thoroughly with hot water and left to dry completely.

Essential mouthwash

Besides the toothpaste, doctors say that mouth water is equally important for oral hygiene. This should be used after each meal and the mouth should be rinsed with it for at least 30 seconds. Mouthwash has antibacterial and astringent effect.

Also, do not forget to rinse your mouth after each brush. Thus, you will completely eliminate all bacteria and food debris.

What toothpaste you need to use

The toothpaste you use often has to be as easy as not to tease the teeth. Those containing sodium bicarbonate should be used once or twice a week, but not excessively because they are very abrasive and affect the tooth enamel over time.

Also, a week, two, you should also use a toothpaste for whitening. It does not affect the dental surface and can be used with confidence.

Sanelen Dent, your dental clinic, offers you a full range of services.

We look forward to a free consultation.